Two Truths & One Lie
How well do you know the CCALT staff members?
How well do you know the CCALT staff members?
Colorado has long been at the forefront of water issues in the West. As a headwaters state (no water flows into its boundaries), Colorado is a party to no fewer than 14 interstate compacts and U.S. Supreme Court decrees governing water use.
It may not be spring yet, but as the days warm and the sun sets later in the evening, ranchers across Colorado are preparing for calving season. Ranching is usually known as a 24/7 occupation, and calving season is likely the epitome of that statement.
When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers [and ranchers], therefore, are the founders of human civilization. -Daniel Webster
WIN #1Nine Families Will Continue Ranching Legacies CCALT partnered with nine ranching families from across Colorado to conserve some of…
Our “table” has never been more abundant. This year we reached significant milestones, highlighted longtime friendships, and collected new supporters all along the way.
Recently, Jay Fetcher was re-appointed to the CCALT Board of Directors after an eight year hiatus. Below is an interview I did with Jay last week to celebrate his return.
Over the past two decades, the gap between young people and nature has widened. This gap includes a lack of understanding of agriculture (where food comes from) and a connection to the outdoors. The most worrisome statistic surrounding this issue is that today, American kids spend an…
The scenery on my drive home isn’t as dramatic as that of a mountain pass, but it evokes the same feelings. A sense of peace as I leave the chaos of the city behind me. A sense of wonder as I stare at the mountains before me, and gratitude as I recall the many times those…
I can’t think of many other places where bolo ties and cowboy boots, leather jackets and sandals can be found under the same event tent; where guests can take jeep tours, trail rides, and fly fish all in the same day. The expanse of land conservation and the wide variety of…