Welcome New CCALT Board Members
CCALT is excited to welcome four new directors to our board. Read below to get to know each new board member.
Stacy Kourlis Guillon

What is your background?
My dad is a sheep and cattle rancher in northwestern Colorado, so I grew up with a strong connection to agriculture. Now, I am an agricultural attorney, handling legal issues for farmers and ranchers.
What is your favorite thing to do in Colorado?
I love exploring Colorado’s small towns; I try to do a trip to somewhere in Colorado I’ve never visited at least once a year. I also enjoy horseback riding and white water rafting.
How does CCALT’s mission connect to Colorado’s general population?
Even Denverites see agriculture every day, both on their plates and out their car windows. While there are a lot of organizations out there working to help consumers make the connection between food and ranching, CCALT is uniquely positioned to connect ranching to classic Colorado vistas and to environmental conservation and stewardship.
Terry Swanson

What is your favorite thing to do in Colorado?
Having been a dryland crop farmer and a grower of stocker feeder cattle, I come to the ranching community later in life than most. While I’m too “invested” to consider the ranch a hobby or an alternative lifestyle, I none-the-less love every minute spent there.
How do you think we can connect the general population of Colorado to CCALT’s mission?
All of agriculture has a momentous task of telling our story to the other 98% of the population. However, CCALT has a different and almost universal appeal to a large sector of the community at large, those in agriculture and those who derive the benefits from agriculture. It is a wonderful story and only limited by our imagination as to its delivery and subsequent buy in.
Why do you love Colorado?
What is there not to love?!
Chancy Love

What is your connection to agriculture?
My family has been involved in beef production and cattle feeding for the last 90 years or so. We have active farms in Weld County and a ranch in California.
Why do you want to be involved with CCALT?
CCALT is playing a vital role in keeping food production an important part of Colorado. Many of the communities that rely on ranches and farms aren’t left with many other economic options, and I honestly believe this country is only as strong as our rural communities. Giving my time, gifts and energy to CCALT is something I am excited about.
What do you hope to accomplish on the CCALT Board?
I hope to work with the staff in expanding the reach of CCALT. Engaging new donors in meaningful ways and building a greater understanding of what our mission is and why it is important to non-ag producing individuals.
Tom Stoever

What is your connection to agriculture and CCALT?
My wife’s Great Uncle homesteaded the Frye/Carpenter Ranch in 1904. The ranch has had a conservation easement held by CCALT since 2011.
Why do you want to be involved with CCALT?
I believe in preserving open spaces and the importance of family-based agriculture to local food sheds and the state of Colorado.
How do you think the general population can connect to CCALT’s mission?
Everyone eats and most of us eat food produced locally. CCALT can help people in urban centers make the connection between the food on their plate and the people who produced it.
Tawny Halandras

What is your connection to agriculture?
I grew up on a cattle ranch in Montana, and my dad’s family is a long line of cattle ranchers from Pinedale, Wyoming. I married into the Halandras family where my husband, John, is a third generation rancher in Rio Blanco County.
Why do you love Colorado?
I think if you live in Colorado you have an alliance with the outdoors. I love everything outdoors; hiking, skiing, tubing the river, fishing, hunting, everything! What better place to be?!
What do you hope to accomplish on the CCALT board?
I have a great appreciation for the work that CCALT does, and quite honestly, I’m intrigued by it. Our family placed a conservation easement on our ranch that closed in 2014. CCALT was amazing to work with and I believe in the values that the organization keeps in the forefront of everything they do. I hope to help CCALT continue to maintain these same values and work to keep working ranches alive and financially viable for generations to come.