Celebrating Conservation With Palmer Land Trust
Every fall the Palmer Land Trust, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado hosts the Southern Colorado Conservation Awards (SCCA). The award ceremony “honors the significant achievements of individuals and organizations that, through their conservation efforts, advance the well-being of southern Colorado’s communities, people, ecologies, and economies. The event focuses on conservation achievements in the broadest sense—knowing that successful conservation involves more than just resource protection; it involves a wide variety of champions across political, educational, business, research, and land management spectrums.”
CCALT staff enjoys attending the SCCA each year, and this fall was no different. The award ceremony and accompanying videos reinvigorated our own conservation efforts, and also made us proud of the work being done across the outdoor, agricultural and conservation sectors. The ceremony was a reminder that champions from all walks of life are using their skill sets to push conservation in Colorado forward. We’ve shared the winners and their award videos with you below. Click on the image to watch the correlating award video and be prepared to be inspired!
Stuart P. Dodge Award
Honors a lifetime in achievement in conservation.
2018 Winner: Sydney Shafroth Macy

Environmental Stewardship Award
Recognizes an individual or organization that has positively impacted the land and the way members of our communiites understand and respect their relationships to it.
2018 Winner: Loretta McEllhiney

Innovation in Conservation Award
Honors an individual, group, project, or program that has advanced the cause of conservation by developing new conservation models, creating new conservation funding mechanisms, or implementing unique partnerships that protect our natural heritage.
2018 Winner: Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association and Colorado Open Lands

Inspired Future Award
Celebrates an individual, program, business, or organization that is undertaking an activity or effort that boldly frames the future of conservation, exhibits gumption and grit in the face of challenges, and encourages others with the resilience and optimism it will take to advance conservation.
2018 Winner: Sarah Hamilton and Ellen Kerchner of New Roots Farm, LLC