Forever Colorado – Together
Each year, the Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust (CCALT) invites our community to gather on a conserved ranch to celebrate the protection of Colorado’s open space, wildlife habitat, scenic views and western culture. The Forever Colorado BBQ is a chance for our community to catch up with those we don’t see regularly and enjoy the fellowship of neighbors with a truly Colorado backdrop. We cap off our evening by Saving Acres for the benefit of Colorado’s next generation.
This year – while we are not gathering in person on a conserved ranch, we are still celebrating virtually. Our virtual celebration and CCALT’s work wouldn’t be possible without our partner’s and sponsors who make it so. More than ever, we are grateful to have our annual partners and sponsors stand by us. In a time when the future can seem so uncertain, our sponsors are still committed to making sure that the Colorado we all love remains intact – a gift to Colorado’s future generations.
We hope that you will join us in thanking the following corporations, individuals, and organizations who are committed to CCALT’s important statewide work. We couldn’t do this work without them!
Thank You!