One family’s conservation legacy in Southeast Colorado expands with Tim and Pam Williams’ Home Place Ranch
The Williams family adds a link to their network of conserved lands that supports livestock operations and wildlife habitat.
Media Contact: Karina Puikkonen,, 720.557.8277
March 24, 2025
WALSENBURG, Colo. – The Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust (CCALT) announces the completion of a new conservation easement with Tim and Pam Williams that conserves their 2,136-acre “Home Place Ranch” in Huerfano County. The conservation easement conserves a large tract of Western Great Plains Shortgrass Prairie that is agriculturally productive, preserves important wildlife habitat, expands the family’s conservation legacy in the region, and adds to the more than 42,000 acres CCALT has conserved in Huerfano County.
“The Williams’ enduring commitment to stewardship and conservation is a strong example of the dedication to working lands conservation our landowner partners demonstrate across the state,” said CCALT Director of Transactions John Gioia. “We are grateful to once again expand our conservation partnership with them to further conserve the working agricultural landscape of Huerfano County.”
The Home Place Ranch lies east of Walsenburg and consists almost entirely of Western Shortgrass Prairie with views of open rangeland and the Spanish Peaks to the west. The property supports a larger agricultural operation run by the Williams family under the Williams Land and Cattle Company. The ranch, which currently supports year-round grazing as part of a larger cow-calf operation, has been in Tim’s family for over 70 years and has always been used for agricultural purposes.

With the conservation easement, it is Tim and Pam’s intention to conserve the agricultural productivity of the property, continue current and future ranching activities, and safeguard the conservation values of open space and relatively natural habitat that support a wide variety of wildlife and plant communities.
“The Home Place has been in my family since 1951,” said Tim Wiliams. “Being raised on this ranch since one year old, preserving the ranch is very important to me. As land all around us is being sold and split off to developers, it instilled our already strong vision to keep our land looking as it did 74 years ago. Making sure this land I grew up on is available to the next generation of ranchers brings us so much joy. This conservation project will keep this amazing part of our state agricultural land base the way God intended.”
Tim and the Williams family began their conservation partnership with CCALT in 2003. Over the past 20+ years, the family has conserved more than 16,000 acres on family properties in both Las Animas and Huerfano counties. The family’s contribution to conserving shortgrass prairie is remarkable, as it is Colorado’s most heavily impacted and converted ecological system with only half of its historic range remaining. Much of the Western Shortgrass Prairie in the West is found within private farms and ranches. The importance of conserving this ranch is evidenced by its proximity to the Cordova Mesa and Vigil and Saint Vrain Potential Conservation Areas which the Colorado Natural Heritage Program has classified as areas with high biodiversity significance.
The Home Place Ranch is not only part of the larger Williams family operation and legacy but is also an important part of the ecological and economic integrity of a region characterized by working lands.
Keep It Colorado, through its Transaction Cost Assistance Program, and The Nature Conservancy provided transaction cost assistance for this conservation easement.
About the Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust
The mission of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust is to conserve Colorado’s Western heritage and working landscapes for the benefit of future generations. Since 1995, CCALT has partnered with over 450 families to conserve more than 813,000 acres of Colorado farmland, ranchland, open space, and wildlife habitat.
About Keep it Colorado
KIC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to uniting, elevating and empowering Colorado’s conservation community to protect the lands and waters that define our state.
About The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a global conservation organization dedicated to conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends. Guided by science, TNC creates innovative, on-the-ground solutions to the world’s toughest challenges so that nature and people can thrive together. TNC is tackling climate change, conserving lands, waters and oceans at an unprecedented scale, providing food and water sustainably and helping make cities more sustainable. To learn more, visit: