A Celebration Of Impact
At the Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust (CCALT) we value impact. We are constantly asking ourselves what the impact of our work is on Colorado and how we can convey that impact to our donors and partners.
For our December blog we wanted to focus on the impact of one particular person. Rick Knight has been a member of the CCALT Board of Directors for the past 17 years. During that time, Rick has also been a beloved professor at Colorado State University (CSU). Rick retired from CSU this fall and to celebrate his tenure with the Warner College of Natural Resources, several of his students, colleagues, family and friends created a short video to honor him. The video is a celebration of Rick’s passion and dedication to his profession and to conservation. The main thought we had at CCALT after watching the video was “Wow, what an impact!”
Rick, thank you for 30+ years of service to Colorado students. You have shaped the next generation of conservationists and future leaders in our industry and in Colorado. At CCALT we’re honored to work with you, learn from you, and laugh with you as you continue your efforts on the CCALT board. Your passion for land conservation is absolutely infectious!
Oftentimes, a key piece of focusing on impact is celebrating it. This video does just that, and we hope you’ll click on the link below and take a minute to watch it.